The following (hysterically funny) message was posted to an atheist newsgroup. It "takes the rise" out of Christians who, for whatever mentally imbalanced reason, have decided that atheists are heathens and it is their god-given task to convert them.
"The Book of Creation" by Tony Hendra and Sean Kelly is a parody of one of the biblical books of Genesis. It is aimed more at creationists and fundamentalists than it is at moderate Christian believers. Perhaps of greatest interest to those of us who can remember them, Hendra and Kelly were once part of National Lampoon, an American humour magazine which ran from 1970 to 1998. It did the rounds during my early online debating years but was subsequently included in Hendra & Kelly's book, "Not The Bible".
So, I was wondering about Satan. You know, the little red angry guy with the horns and off around the world corrupting it 'n all that and I started wondering. I mean, has the guy really been given a chance? We're told he lives in a place called hell which is where we all go if we don't follow "da roolz" after we're dead but if we do (follow "da roolz") we're good and off we po to some place called Heaven. I mean, do we? I mean, is this bloke Satan really all that bad?
The late, great George Carlin died, as we all must do, in 2008 but left behind him a legacy of intelligent humour and a loyal fanbase. The article printed here enshrines Carlin's view on religion and was a part of "You Are All Diseased" show, recorded live at New York City's Beacon Theatre on February 6, 1999.
A humorous piece of poetry written by a one-time collague of mine who used the handle, "Worldling"